Minggu, 25 September 2011

Hornbill Ivory.

 Ivory hornbill or so-called bird of rangkong this is fauna becoming mascot and individuality of Provinsi Kalimantan West. And among hornbill, ivory hornbill type is biggest of its size measure, head goodness, bill and [his/its] horn which close over part of its forehead
 its Horn colour squeeze at part of which close to head, turn yellow ivory [at] the rest. This characteristic which give its name. Tail very long until twice its body length, the flying of strength by [releasing] wing flinging down sound. Perch [in] elm, this bird often generate crowded voice in the middle of forest
 Its food [of] fruits especially fruit wish and palm, but not rarely also eat insect, mouse, salamander even small bird. Continuation of Hornbill Ivory claim the continuation of tropical forest, [in] difficult to Kalimantan West is not find this bird habitat.

Burung Enggang Gading

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